Colin Scruggs

Hello! I'm a UI Developer with 5+ years of experience building web applications.

I'm passionate about visual design and bringing these designs to life through code.

My interests include front end development, data visualization, and audio production/engineering.

skills //

Front End and Software Development

JavaScript (ES6+) React 18 Vue.js TypeScript HTML5 CSS3 Material UI Redux Jest Ionic D3.js npm Git RESTful APIs Node.js Express PostgreSQL Next.js Django

Computer Aided Design

Sketch Figma Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Tableau

Audio and Video Production

FL Studio 21 iZotope Ozone 10 Logic Pro X Sony Vegas Pro 12

projects //

Audio Explorer

Winning submission to the 2018 VAST Challenge

Audio Explorer is a data visualization tool created by my partner, Cameron Henkel, and I of Southwestern University for the 2018 VAST Challenge. Audio Explorer was the recipient of the "Excellent Comprehensive Submission" Award from the VAST committee for 2018's Mini Challenge 1, and was deemed the overall winning submission at the IEEE VIS Conference in Berlin, Germany where we delivered a presentation on our approach to research and design.

We authored a paper discussing our design process, published October 29th, 2019 in the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications journal. Abstract available here. here.

Live demo available here.


Senior Capstone Project

The Office of Community-Engaged Learning (OCEL) at Southwestern University curates a list of nonprofit agencies in Williamson County that offer potential volunteer opportunities to students of Southwestern and the greater Georgetown community. Our Computer Science Capstone in Software Engineering group created an online web application and database for these opportunities.

"Voluntunity" is built on top of a MySQL database using the Django Python web framework. This site displays volunteering opportunities to users interactively, in both tabular and map form. Users can also search for potential matches and filter them based on a wide range of characteristics.


Spotify Data Visualization Project

Youtify is an ongoing project that is built upon the Spotify Web API that provides a tailored dashboard of a user's recent Spotify listening habits using React, Material UI, and Express. I've gained valuable experience learning about OAuth 2.0 and implementing a simple authentication server that utilizes API routes.

Currently, features include viewing your recent top artists and the ability to view details about each. Additionally, a simple radar chart and other metrics are generated based on the audio features of your top 100 recent tracks provided by Spotify's API. These audio features include measures like danceability, energy, and valence.

SU Radio

Southwestern King Creativity Project

I developed a homepage for Southwestern University's student-run online radio station, SU Radio. The site was built using the Vue.js front-end framework with the Vuetify material component plugin. The site was hosted with funding from Southwestern' annual King Creativity Fund , a grant that supports "innovative and visionary projects" created by students.

Science in Sound

Interactive, educational website

This site was the product of my year-long senior thesis project in high school at TAG Magnet in Dallas, TX. As my first major web development project, I gained a great deal of foundational experience using HTML, CSS, jQuery for event handling, and utilizing AJAX. I designed the site under guidance of a professional UI designer mentor throughout the year. I also researched and produced all the original educational content throughout the site.

music //


Hip-hop/electronic music project

Latest Single - Wandering

6+ million streams across all platforms

Performing live at Euphoria Music Festival 2017 in Austin, TX